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get() {cold = true}
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The Surprising Truth About E-Bike Range Anxiety! Like all E-bike owners you will no doubt have had a silent whisper of doubt: ‘Will I run out of power before I reach my destination?’ This is the modern cyclist’s conundrum, known as range anxiety, a term more commonly associated with electric cars but now increasingly relevant…
What is my budget for an e-bike? When determining your budget for an e-bike, consider factors such as the cost of the bike itself, accessories (e.g., helmet, lock, lights), maintenance, and battery replacement. E-bikes can range from around $1,000 for entry-level models to over $10,000 for high-end options. Generally, more expensive e-bikes have better-quality components,…
Top 5 Best Electric Bikes For Hunting in 2023 Are you tired of relying on traditional hunting methods that leave you exhausted and unable to cover much ground? With the advent of electric hunting bikes, you can now experience a new level of efficiency and convenience when hunting. In this article, we will be discussing…
How Fast Do Electric Bikes Go? Top Speed Of Every Motor Type Ebike Explained! Are you looking for your first e-bike or maybe an upgrade for your existing one, and you want to know how fast each motor type is? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I was recently also hunting for a replacement…
Ebike Battery location Pros And Cons! What Is The Best Location? When choosing the electric bicycle that suits you, there are a lot of things to take into account. There is a good chance that you never thought about the placement of a battery in an electric bicycle before you started looking for an electric…
Ebike Battery First Use! Best Practices! You have just received your e-bike battery and are ready to breathe new life into your e-bike battery. But what are things to consider when using your e-bike battery for the first time? The first use of a bicycle battery is crucial for the lifespan and quality of the…
Important Battery Lingo You Need To Know! Things Like Watts And Amps Explained! When you are looking for a new bicycle battery, charger, or electric bicycle, you will soon come across terms that may not mean much to you. For example, think of Watt-hours, amperes, and capacity. Knowing the meaning of these terms can certainly…
How To Turn The Lights On On Your Ebike? Explained! Switching on e-bike lighting: how exactly do you do that? Chances are the bike shop explained this when you bought the bike. However, you can also forget this if you do not use your lighting regularly. So, how do you turn on the light of…
All Electric Bike Error Codes! The Full List With Causes And Solutions! Suddenly the support of the motor has disappeared, you break out in a sweat and a mysterious error code flashes alarmingly on the display of your bicycle. What does your E-MTB want to tell you and what do you need to do to…
Traveling With Your eBike? Here’s What You Need To Know! It’s nice to ride your e-bike at home, but some people don’t want to miss out on the fun of cycling on vacation, so they take their e-bike with them when they travel. In this article, we would like to show you how the e-bike…
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