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How And Where To Rent An Electric Scooter In Hungary – Rules, Costs, And Providers!
In some Hungarian cities, you can discover the city as a tourist by electric scooter. In most cases, you use a rental E-scooter.
Discover here which rules apply to the use of an electric scooter, how you use them and what the costs are.
The rules for using an electric scooter in Hungary
To use a shared scooter, you are obliged to comply with the traffic rules for moped riders. The following rules apply:
The minimum age for using an e-scooter is 16 years; It is mandatory to wear a helmet;
You must be in possession of a moped driving license (AM); It is forbidden to use your phone while driving; It is strictly forbidden to drive an electric scooter with alcohol.
This is how you use a shared scooter as a tourist
in Hungary with the help of a mobile app, you can easily rent a rental electric scooter. Here’s how it works:
Download the app
Download the mobile app from one of the active providers.
Link a payment method
Create an account and link a payment method. Most providers accept payments via credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
Navigate to a shared scooter
View in the app where the nearest shared scooter is located.
Unlock the scooter
Unlock the scooter by scanning the QR code on the handlebars via the app.
End your ride
After the ride, park the vehicle in the designated zone. End the ride via the app and you will receive an overview of the costs incurred.
These scooter share providers are active in Hungary
Every city or municipality has its own agreements with scooter share providers. The largest providers in Hungary are:
City Suppliers Balaton Lime Budapest Lime, Tier
These are the costs to rent an electric scooter in Hungary
Each provider determines its own rate. However, the costs are built up in the same way for all providers. You pay a starting fee to unlock the scooter. You then pay a rate per minute.
On average you pay €1 to unlock the electric scooter. You then pay €0.15 per minute to use the sharing scooter. Are you taking a 15-minute ride? Then you pay € 3.25.
Tip: this is how you benefit from free rides
Do you want to travel even cheaper with an electric scooter? Most sharing scooter providers allow users to share a personal referral code . This code can be found in the mobile app.
When you go out with two or more people, you share this code with someone else and you can take advantage of free rides. You do this in the following way:
Lime How to rent an electric scooter
Example: Lime app
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