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How And Where To Rent An Electric Scooter In Switzerland – Rules, Costs, And Providers!
As a tourist, you can use an electric scooter in several cities in Switzerland. You unlock these ‘rental electric scooters’ using a mobile app. You decide how long you drive and it is often cheaper than a taxi.
Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in Europe to live in, so renting an electric scooter is also more expensive than in other countries.
How do you use an electric scooter in Switzerland yourself? And which rules do you have to take into account? We have listed it for you.
In Switzerland, an electric scooter is called ‘E-Trotti’. The shared scooters that you can use as a tourist have a maximum speed of 20 km/h. For use you have to take into account the following rules:
The minimum age is 16 years;
Wearing a helmet is not mandatory;
A driver’s license is not required;
It is not allowed to ride with two people on one electric scooter;
Phone use while driving is prohibited;
As a driver, you use the bike lane. Driving on the sidewalk is not allowed;
If there is no bike lane, you use the road.
How do you use an e-scooter in Switzerland as a tourist?
What do you pay per ride to rent an electric scooter in Switzerland?
The costs of going out with a shared scooter differ per provider. The rate for each provider is made up of a starting rate and a rate per minute.
On average you pay €1 to unlock the scooter. You then pay €0.15 per minute for use. So you pay €3.25 for a 15-minute ride.
Tip: take advantage of free rides
With a rental electric scooter, you can get on the road even cheaper. Many providers give ‘referral codes’ to users. This personal code can be found in the mobile app.
Are you traveling with two or more people? Share the code with your friends and take advantage of free rides this way:
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