How To Make An Electric Scooter Go Faster

How To Make An Electric Scooter Go Faster! Explained + An Easy And Free Trick!

A long time ago it was a bit cool if you had a moped. For some time, however, it has been the scooter that has taken over that place.

But, pay attention, the electric scooter is also increasingly seen as cool. With an E-scooter, you make the most of both private and business.

So far so good. However, electric scooters have one major drawback for many people: speed! And because 15,5 miles per hour –  25 kilometers per hour for some people could be faster. Making their electric scooter go faster,  is something more and more E-scooter owners want.

Making your electric scooter faster: is it possible, and how does it work? We answer your questions in this article.

Can you remove the limiter of your E-scooter?

Every electric scooter has a speed limiter because that is mandatory. It prevents you from reaching higher speeds with your E-scooter than is legally permitted.

That limiter is built into your electric scooter, and hopefully not out of reach for you.

If you want to increase your electric scooter’s speed, it is necessary that you can remove the limiter from your electric scooter.

If that is possible, then you have already overcome one obstacle to ramping up your e-scooter. On to the next challenge.

Replace or upgrade the controllers!

You don’t like to read, but your electric scooter also has controllers. They regulate and control (hence the name) your speed.

If you want to boost your electric scooter, you should also be able to access the controllers. You also have to replace or upgrade it.

You want to prevent them from continuing to do what they always did: send less power to the motor of your electric scooter.

Increasing your E-scooter also means replacing batteries.

Two big steps are now taken. One more step to go, and this is the easiest. Your Electric scooter can now go a lot faster after boosting.

But its batteries must be able to deliver the desired power.

The built-in, standard batteries are of course not set to higher speeds by boosting your electric scooter.

So you will have to remove them and replace them with much more powerful batteries.

Improving your electric scooter, therefore, requires three important steps. But then you can also get even more gas on your fast E-scooter.

Get The Most Out Of Your Electric Scooter Battery

Making an electric scooter go faster: do it yourself or have it done?

Making an electric scooter go faster is not a trick that everyone can do.

Are you very technical and have you perhaps tinkered with mopeds and scooters before? Then increasing your E-scooter may also be something you can do yourself.

Don’t spend money if you don’t have to, right?

If you have almost two left hands, give your electric scooter steps up. Surely you shouldn’t think that something will go wrong because you wanted to save money so badly?

If you break something on your fast electric scooter, the expenses will probably get much more out of hand.

Not every E-scooter can be boosted

Also, realize that electric scooters are not meant to be boosted. You will be able to increase one E-scooter more easily than the other. And there are even electric scooters that you just can’t boost.

If you ignore that, you could even destroy your e-scooter. Your attempt to make your speedy electric scooter even faster could turn out to be an expensive joke.

If you think you can put that under the warranty: that kite does not go up. As is the case with so many devices, you lose the warranty if you tinker with your electric scooter yourself.

This should also be clearly stated in the accompanying papers.

A quick and free little trick to make your electric scooter go faster

Does your electric scooter have pneumatic tires? Then there is a simple trick for ramping up your e-scooter. You don’t need any technical knowledge or tools.

The speed of your electric scooter is also partly determined by the contact with the surface.

The larger the surface that touches the road, the more your E-scooter experiences resistance and drives less quickly. So the opposite is also true.

The less surface area of ​​your tires, the less your electric scooter is slowed down. And you guessed it: the higher your maximum speed.

Indeed: it is that simple. By increasing the tire pressure of your E-scooter, you choose a natural way of boosting your electric scooter.

The impact? A 15-20% increase in speed.

The motor can make it difficult to boost your E-scooter.

What kind of motor does your electric scooter have? Is it an electric motor with wheel drive? Then that is no obstacle to increasing your electric scooter.

However, if it is a chain-driven motor, then ramping up your electric scooter will be a lot more difficult.

Is it even allowed to boost your electric scooter?

The answer to this question will disappoint you. Stepping up an electric scooter is not allowed by law in most countries.

E-scooters have a maximum speed of 15,5 miles per hour – 25 kilometers per hour, so you may not exceed that by ramping up your electric scooter.

If you have an accident with a tuned E-scooter, you may also not be insured. No, not even if you have properly taken out insurance for your electric scooter. So you are taking quite a risk.

Finally: do you want to legally increase your e-scooter? Then the trick with increasing the tire pressure is a great option, with which you go a bit faster.

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