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get() {cold = true}
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The Best Fat Tire Electric Scooter For 2023 The Best Fat Tire Electric Scooter For 2023 In the world of electric scooters, there are lots of different models to choose from, ranging from traditional kick-scooter look-a-likes with an electric motor to fat tire scooters that look more like a miniature Harley Davidson. 2022 was a…
Xiaomi M365 Review – 500+ miles review Below you will find my honest review of the Xiaomi M365 after using it for more then 500 miles. First up are the specs of the Xiaomi M365, then my honest review, and some Q&A. Xiaomi M365 Our Rating: 4.7/5 Xiaomi M365 (Xiaomi Mi) Review The Xiaomi…
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The Best Electric Scooter For Adults 300lbs – 136Kg And Over Electric scooters are a lot of fun and super popular. They should be accessible to everybody but most electric scooters aren’t powerful enough to propel adults weighing 300lbs and over. They are slow and don’t get up hills making them useless if you are…
The new way of traveling Whether you are looking for a convenient and inexpensive way to commute, whether for private or business reasons: the E-scooter is really something for you. The electric scooter is environmentally friendly, efficient and safe. The new way to travel through the city quickly. Not just a regular scooter, but a…
10 reasons to buy an electric scooter! The advantages and disadvantages of owning an electric scooter! Do you want to buy an E-scooter but still have doubts? Then I would like to help you make a choice! In this article, I list the advantages and disadvantages of having your own electric scooter! What are the…
How to lock your electric scooter in 2023 and beyond? Most electric scooters are foldable and you can easily take them with you inside. If that is not possible, what do you do? You don’t want your scooter to be stolen! How do you lock an electric scooter? There are various options for this. A…
How fast can electric scooters go? With our busy lives, increased population, and tons of cars on the road, we all are looking for shortcuts. Whether it’s preparing food, doing laundry, or commuting to work, we want to take the easy way and preferably with as less stress as possible. Under such circumstances, electric scooters…
Here are 6 tips to get the most out of your Electric Scooter Battery and 3 battery myths exposed! Need help getting the most out of your electric scooter? Three tips for optimally extending the life of the battery: Tip # 1: Not completely discharged. Do you have the option of not having to fully…
Can electric scooters go up hills? A common question I get asked a lot via email from people purchasing an electric scooter is: Can electric scooters go up hills? You might use an electric scooter for covering shorter distances like for instance your daily commute to work. While some of you might be living in…
error: Content is protected !!'--scrollbar-offset', window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px' );
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