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/*For contenteditable tags*/
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//////////////////special for safari Start////////////////
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// also there is no property in IE.
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hike = function() {};
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const object1 = {};
var aid = Object.defineProperty(object1, 'passive', {
get() {cold = true}
window.addEventListener('test', hike, aid);
window.removeEventListener('test', hike, aid);
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return cold;
/*special for safari End*/
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The Best Online Forums and Communities for Electric Scooter Enthusiasts Ever wondered if there are others as enthusiastic as you about your electric scooter? Well, today I have gathered the best Online Forums and Communities for Electric Scooter enthusiasts that I could find on the internet, enjoy.
How to Waterproof Your Electric Scooter: The Ultimate Guide With the increasing popularity of electric scooters, ensuring their durability and functionality in various weather conditions, especially rain, is essential. Making electric scooters waterproof not only extends their lifespan but also enhances safety during wet conditions. If your scooter gets wet, then usually there is no…
Why Does My Electric Scooter Not Turn On? 6 Reasons + Solutions Do you find yourself frustrated and stuck with an electric scooter that refuses to turn on? Well, you’re not alone. Did you know that a staggering 78% of electric scooter owners encounter issues with their scooters not powering up? But don’t fret, because,…
How To Make Money With Bird Scooters In 2023! Up To +$1,500 Per Week How To Make Money as a Bird Scooter Fleet Manager in 2023 If you’re looking to make some extra cash on the side or even start your own business, managing a Bird scooter fleet could be a great opportunity. As a…
Can I bring an electric scooter inside a hotel? Are you planning to travel and explore a new city on your electric scooter? If so, you might be wondering if you can bring it with you inside the hotel you’ll be staying at. The answer is not as straightforward as you might think, as it…
Can I bring an electric scooter inside a movie theater (like AMC) or a cinema? I was wondering if I could bring an electric scooter in a movie theater or cinema a while ago when I went to see a movie with some friends. Before taking my scooter and risking not being allowed in, I…
How To Reset Your Electric Scooter – Try This Before Doing A Repair! Is your electric scooter no longer working? Resetting your E-scooter can provide a simple solution to many common problems. You can often do this yourself with the right button combination. We list the reset procedure of the E-scooter models of which we…
The 10 Most Common E-Scooter Issues + How To Fix Them! Does your electric scooter have a malfunction? No need for panic. Like any other electric means of transport, e-scooters sometimes have problems. You can often do something about this yourself before you call in a specialist. We list the most common malfunctions and tell…
What Are The Different Brake Systems Available On Electric Scooters – And Which One Is Right For You? This guide explains everything you need to know about the brakes of an e-scooter. You can read which braking systems are the most effective and which systems are most common. What types of braking systems are there?…
THIS Is How You Determine The Correct Tire Pressure For Your Electric Scooter + The Right Pressure For Each Brand Maintaining tire pressure is one of the most important things when it comes to maintaining your e-scooter. The correct pressure not only preserves the tires but also ensures that you can get the maximum number…
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